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The Importance of Professional Dental Cleaning

Having a sparkling smile is something most of us aspire to have. However, maintaining white and healthy teeth isn’t always an easy process. Dental hygiene can be challenging for many people because many things can make our teeth yellow or make them more likely to get plaque and tartar.

Diets, genetics, smoking, and other habits affect the state of our teeth throughout our adult lives. The good news is that you don’t have to live with stained or crooked teeth forever. There are many ways to improve the appearance of your smile so that it’s something you can be proud of again.

One way is through professional dental cleaning services. Here, we'll talk about how important it is to keep your teeth clean and why professional dental cleaning services can make all the difference in preventing plaque and tartar from building up on your teeth.

ADA Recommended Cleanings

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that everyone receive a teeth cleaning from a dentist twice a year. With that said, if you have specific dental health goals or if you have a medical condition that makes you especially susceptible to plaque or dental disease, you might need to visit the dentist even more frequently.

You can also ensure that you’re brushing and flossing regularly, as these are some of the most effective ways to prevent plaque buildup. Regular dental cleaning is also very important for your overall wellness.

Why Are Dental Services Necessary?

  • Preventative Care
  • Healthier Gums
  • Improved Oral Health
  • Stronger teeth

We’ve already discussed how plaque and tartar can cause discoloration, staining, and weakened tooth structure. Still, the other issues that can come from not visiting the dentist regularly are gum disease and bad breath. If left untreated, plaque can begin to grow under the gums, forming a hard deposit called tartar that is much more difficult to remove.

Bacteria in your mouth also feed off this plaque and tartar, causing your gums to become red, swollen, and inflamed. If plaque or tartar isn’t removed from the teeth, it can cause significant damage to the gums, forming pockets of bacteria between the gums and teeth. Bacteria trapped in those pockets can spread to other body parts, causing infections in the bloodstream, heart, lungs, and other organs.

The Benefits of Professional Teeth Cleaning

Like other forms of professional health care, teeth cleaning is designed to address specific issues that may not be addressed during regular tooth brushing or flossing. Dental cleaning services will take care of plaque, tartar, and harmful bacteria on your teeth.

In addition, the cleaning process will also stimulate the growth of new and healthy tissue to restore your gums to their standard color and health. In the same way, a dental cleaning service will improve the health of your lips and cheeks and make your mouth less dry.

Studies have also shown that people who regularly clean their teeth are less likely to suffer from heart disease, stroke, and hypertension.

What Do Teeth Cleaning Visits Provide?

As mentioned above, teeth cleaning service will not only remove the plaque, tartar, and bacteria that have built up on your teeth. The teeth cleaning service will also improve the overall health of your jaw and entire body.

It will also improve the texture and color of your teeth by removing plaque, tartar, and stains. The teeth cleaning service will also help reduce gum disease and bad breath risk.

What to Expect at Your Next Dental Visit

We understand that it can be an intimidating experience. Still, at Lovett Dental, we want to make the process as convenient and comfortable as possible so that you’re not too worried about what to expect or how you’ll feel when you leave.

When you visit our office for dental cleaning services, you can expect to have your teeth thoroughly cleaned and polished with a unique tool that rotates quickly to remove plaque and tartar. We’ll also examine your teeth, gums, and roots of your teeth for signs of infection.

Afterward, your dentist will review your dental x-rays and blood tests to ensure everything looks normal. The cleaning process usually takes about an hour and a half.

A Dental Cleaning and Exam Can Improve Your Wellness

Poor oral health and a lack of regular dental visits can also indicate more significant health issues in the future. But going to the dentist regularly and having a professional clean your teeth can lower the risk of severe health problems like heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

In addition, dental cleaning services can be more affordable than you might think. The exact cost of dental cleaning services will depend on where you live and which dental office you go to. However, many dental offices offer seniors and low-income seniors discounts on teeth cleaning services.

If you are concerned about the cost of dental cleaning services, we encourage you to speak with your dentist to find out if your insurance covers any of the costs.

How the Condition of Your Teeth Affects Your Body

As we’ve mentioned, poor oral health can lead to serious health issues in the body, including heart disease, stroke, and hypertension. Poor dental health can also weaken your body’s resistance to colds and other infectious diseases.

Bacteria accumulates on your teeth and in your mouth and can spread to other parts of your body via your bloodstream. This can lead to ear, sinus, joint, and other types of infections.

If your immune system is weakened due to a cold or other infection, you could be at a higher risk of contracting more severe infections that can cause long-term complications.

The Next Part of Your Visit: The Dental Exam

As we’ve mentioned, poor oral health can lead to serious health issues in the body, including heart disease, stroke, and hypertension. Poor dental health can also weaken your body’s resistance to colds and other infectious diseases.

Bacteria accumulates on your teeth and in your mouth and can spread to other parts of your body via your bloodstream. This can lead to ear, sinus, joint, and other types of infections.

If your immune system is weakened due to a cold or other infection, you could be at a higher risk of contracting more severe infections that can cause long-term complications.

Contact Lovett Dental for your next dental cleaning.

We know that it’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and put off primary health care like dental cleaning services. But we also know that seeing the dentist for the first time can be a bit scary. At Lovett Dental, we want to make dental cleaning services as convenient and comfortable as possible.
