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Periodontics in Houston, Texas

Our periodontists are board-certified and have the education and experience required by the American Dental Association to diagnose, treat, and prevent various gum diseases. The doctors are skilled at diagnosing and treating gum disease, performing cosmetic dental procedures, administering periodontal procedures, and placing and maintaining dental implants. Periodontics can provide you with the care you require to maintain your best oral health.

Periodontists must complete an additional two or more specialty postgraduate training years after completing four years of dental school. To become a periodontist, you must complete a hospital or university program that is accredited by the American Dental Association.

Because research indicates a link between periodontal disease and other chronic diseases of aging, some periodontal treatments may necessitate a deeper understanding and higher level of expertise from a trained specialist. Patients with moderate to severe periodontal disease, as well as those with complicated medical histories, may benefit most from treatment from our periodontist.

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Common treatments in which periodontists specialize include:

  • Scaling and root planing (in which the infected surface of the root is cleaned)
  • Osseous surgery (periodontal pocket reduction)
  • Gum recession and tissue grafting
  • Crown lengthening
  • Regenerative procedures, bone graft, and ridge augmentations
  • Placement, maintenance, and repair of dental implants

Address Your Gum Issues Now

Every year, millions of people are affected by periodontal disease, also known as gum disease. It occurs when plaque bacteria accumulate between the teeth and gums. This causes inflammation, which can lead to a number of complications.

Periodontal disease is a serious condition that causes gum recession and tooth loss, as well as being linked to heart disease and diabetes. If you suspect you have periodontal disease, you cannot afford to put off seeing our periodontist any longer.

Periodontal Disease Symptoms and Diagnosis

Periodontal disease is classified into three stages:

The first is gingivitis, which causes red, swollen gums, a receding gum line, and bad breath.

Periodontitis is the second stage. Bright red gums, swelling, tender gums, the appearance of gaps between teeth, and loose teeth are all symptoms.

The final stage of the disease is characterized by more severe symptoms such as bone loss, severe bad breath, receding gums, misaligned teeth, and swollen, bleeding gums. If you experience any of these symptoms, please contact our periodontist right away.

Immediate attention to your periodontal condition is critical for your overall health. According to research, periodontal disease's inflammatory response is linked to other chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer's.

Periodontal inflammation treatment will aid in the management of the disease as well as the management of many other chronic inflammatory conditions.

Root Planing and Scaling

If you have been diagnosed with gum disease, the first step is to have scaling and root planing done. This is one of the most effective non-surgical methods for treating gum disease before it worsens. Scaling and root planing cleans the gums and teeth all the way down to the roots.

Scaling is essentially the removal of dental tartar from the surfaces of the teeth. The process of smoothing out the root surfaces and removing any infected tooth structure is known as root planing.

If you have gum disease or gum pocketing, the pockets between your teeth will have deepened, allowing tartar deposits to form beneath the gum line. Cleaning the root surfaces carefully to remove plaque and calculus (tartar) from deep periodontal pockets, as well as smoothing the tooth root to remove bacterial toxins, will keep your gum disease under control.

Scaling and root planing is a simple procedure that can be very effective in preventing gum disease. If you maintain good dental care after the procedure, the progression of your gum disease should be stopped, and your gums will heal and return to firm and pink in no time.

Osseous Surgery Periodontal Pocket Reduction

Osseous surgery, also known as pocket-depth reduction, is a surgical procedure that aims to return your gums to their natural, healthier state. If your periodontist has advised you to have osseous surgery, it is because your pockets are too deep to be cleaned with daily at-home oral hygiene and professional teeth cleaning services.

To create a protective cover against bacteria, your bone and gum tissue should fit snugly around your teeth. Periodontal disease destroys the supporting tissue and bone, resulting in pockets around the teeth. These pockets deepen over time, providing more space for bacteria to live.

Bacteria can accumulate and spread under the gum tissue as they grow around the teeth. These deep pockets collect even more bacteria, leading to additional bone and tissue loss. Osseous surgery may be recommended to reduce the need for extractions.

Reducing pocket depth and eliminating existing bacteria are critical for preventing periodontal disease progression and maintaining a healthy smile. Eliminating bacteria may not be enough to prevent disease recurrence. Deeper pockets are more difficult to clean for you and your dental care professional, so keep them as small as possible.

Small pockets, as well as a combination of daily oral hygiene and professional maintenance care, will increase your chances of retaining your natural teeth and decreasing the likelihood of serious health problems associated with periodontal disease.

Gum Recession and Tissue Grafting

Your gums may have receded due to a variety of factors, such as excessive tooth brushing or periodontal disease. You may not be able to control what caused the recession, but your periodontist can assist you in identifying the factors that contributed to the problem prior to treatment.

Gum grafting will cover the exposed roots and protect them from decay, as well as help reduce tooth sensitivity and improve the aesthetics of your smile. Whether you have a gum graft to improve function or esthetics, you'll almost certainly benefit from a beautiful new smile as well as improved periodontal health: your keys to smiling, eating, and speaking with comfort and confidence.

Gum Recession

Advanced gum disease causes gum recession. When gingivitis is not treated, gum disease (also known as periodontitis) develops, causing the gums to pull away from the teeth, forming deep pockets where bacteria can grow and damage the bone that supports the teeth. Gums can also shrink back from the teeth, making them appear longer. Teeth may then become loose, fall out, or require extraction by a dentist.

Do You Suffer From Gum Recession?

The gum recession does not occur overnight. Because gum recession is a slow and gradual process, you may not even notice it. However, without a gum tissue graft, recession can have a negative impact on the health and function of your teeth. If you have gingivitis or periodontal disease, it is important to note whether:

  • You have a sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures or even to sweet, spicy, or sour foods
  • Your teeth appear longer than normal
  • Spaces between your teeth seem to grow
  • The roots of your teeth begin to show
  • Gum Tissue Grafting

Your periodontist will perform one of three types of gum tissue grafts based on your specific needs.

Connective tissue grafts

The most common method of treating root exposure, connective tissue grafting involves the periodontist cutting a flap of skin on the roof of your mouth (or palate) and removing subepithelial connective tissue from beneath the flap. This tissue is connected to the gum tissue that surrounds the exposed root by stitches. The flap is stitched back down after the connective tissue, or graft, has been removed from beneath it.

Free gingival grafts

A free gingival graft, like a connective tissue graft, involves the use of tissue from the roof of the mouth. Rather than creating a flap and removing tissue beneath the top layer of flesh, a small amount of tissue is removed directly from the roof of the mouth and attached to the gum area being treated.

This method is most commonly used in patients who have thin gums to begin with and require additional tissue to enlarge them.

Pedicle grafts

Instead of taking tissue from the palate, this procedure grafts tissue from the gum around or near the tooth that needs repair. The flap, known as a pedicle, is only partially cutaway, leaving one edge attached.

The gum is then pulled over or down and sewn into place to cover the exposed root. This procedure can only be performed if you have a lot of gum tissue around the tooth.

Many factors will influence your grafting technique of choice. Your periodontist can advise you on the best method for you, your health, and your smile.

Crown Lengthening

If you believe your smile is "gummy" or your teeth are too short, Houston dental crown lengthening may be the solution for you. This is a procedure that exposes more of the teeth to reshape the gum line and improve the aesthetics of the smile.

Crown lengthening is the removal of excess gum tissue around the upper teeth in order to make them appear longer. Crown lengthening can also sculpt the gum line to create a more symmetrical, balanced smile if it is uneven.

Crown lengthening is done for both dental and medical reasons, as well as for cosmetic reasons. Crown lengthening can help expose more of the tooth's crown to support a filling or restoration if your periodontist discovers decay or fracture beneath the gum line, for example.

Call 832-804-7427 to make an appointment to see if crown lengthening can help you achieve the smile you've always desired.

Bone Grafts

A bone graft replaces the bone and soft supporting tissues that have been lost due to periodontitis. You may be losing bone support around your teeth if you have periodontitis. To avoid extractions, your periodontist may advise you to use a graft to replace the lost bone.

The goal of bone grafting is to stimulate the body's ability to rebuild the bone and other structures that connect a tooth to the jaw. To gain access to the roots and bone, your periodontist will first separate the gums from your teeth. We clean the roots thoroughly and fill the bone holes with graft material, which is usually your own bone.

Following that, your periodontist will reposition the gums and stitch them together. The grafted material will begin to grow over the next few months, replacing lost bone and soft tissue.

Ridge Augmentation

Ridge augmentation is a common application for bone grafting. Ridge augmentation can restore the natural contour of your gums and jaw following tooth loss. Trauma, congenital anomalies, infection, or periodontal disease can all cause tooth loss. To achieve an ideal amount of gum and bone to support surrounding restorations or implants, hard and soft tissue reconstruction may be required.

Your gums and jawbone may become indented where the tooth or teeth used to be after losing one or more teeth. This happens when the jawbone no longer holds a tooth in place and recedes. This indentation not only looks unnatural, but it also makes the replacement tooth appear too long. This can result in a difficult-to-clean area.

Ridge augmentation fills in the indented area of the jaw and gums with bone and tissue grafting procedures. This will result in a smooth gum line that is compatible with your restoration or dental implant.

Dental Implants: A Long-Term Replacement for Missing Teeth

Dental implants give you the best chance of getting the smile you've always wanted. Implants can significantly improve your appearance and health by replacing damaged or missing teeth. Our periodontists can provide patients with new and healthy smiles using cutting-edge technology and dental implants.

To schedule an appointment in the Greater Houston Metropolitan Area, Beaumont, or Corpus Christi, call 832-804-7427 or contact us online.
