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When Should A Child Go To The Dentist?

child smiling at dentist when should a child go to the dentist

As a parent, you probably have wondered — when should a child go to the dentist? This is a good question to ask. Some parents may have heard that after a child's teeth have erupted, it is the best time to bring them to a dentist. Others may have heard they should wait until they have their adult teeth before going to the dentist. What is the best answer? Quite simply, parents should make seeing a pediatric dentist a common event in their kids' lives. The sooner they become accustomed to going to the dentist's office and receiving dental treatment, the better their oral health will be.

When Should A Child Go To The Dentist?

If you wonder when a child should go to the dentist, you're not the first parent to ask this question. Getting on the right path to proper oral hygiene is best started early. Parents who want to ensure their child gets the best oral health care should begin dental visits around 1-year-old or within six months of when the first tooth has come in. This recommendation comes from the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD).

Parents may wonder why their children need to see the dentist when they only have their baby teeth. This is a common question. However, even their baby teeth need to be examined because it is an indicator of their overall tooth and gum health. If they get cavities, for any reason, in their baby teeth, the dentist will need to assess the situation and determine the next steps.

Your child will have regular cleanings when they visit the dentist, which helps them because it gets them used to being in a dentist's office. They will become comfortable with a dentist and not be as nervous as they get older.

Finding a Pediatric Dentist

Finding a pediatric dentist, your child feels comfortable with is important. You want your child to associate going to the dentist's office with a positive experience. If you start your child young, you shouldn't have too many problems. An experienced, qualified pediatric dentist will ensure your child feels comfortable and receives expert care.

Get Started Today

When you need an expert child's dentist, then Lovett Dental is the place to call. Qualified and gentle pediatric dentists will assist your child with the visit and make sure your little one is comfortable. As your child grows older, you can be sure Lovett Dental will be there to offer your growing child a range of other dental services such as:

From the admission process to the dental chair, we care, and we're there to make the process simple. So, don't worry about your child's oral health. At Lovett Dental, you and your family will be in good hands. Now that you know the answer to when a child should go to the dentist, schedule your child's visit today. Contact Lovett Dental at 832-804-7427, and we'll get you started.
